Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Hi everyone, its great to be here and welcome to all the other newbies out there also.
I just started keeping fish so I'm quite new to this. Ive got a 120 ltr (31g) freshwater aquarium and seem to be having one some problems.
Ive got 2 pearl gouramis, two sword tails, two high fin platys, 2 bronze corys, 1 bristle nose, 3 guppies and 10 neon tetras.
I've just finished cycling my tank with fish (unfortunatley I didn't really have a choice because I had to put them somewhere)
and just when I thought I was at the end of twice daily 15% water changes (for almost three weeks), I've come home tonight to find that my guppies have got Ich. I did notice them rubbing them selves against some of the plants in the last few days, but put this down to the water quality due to the tank still cycling. Up until two days ago, my readings were
Ammonia -0
Nitrite - .5
Nitrate - 10 ppm
ph 6.8
My readings yesterday and today were
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - just a trace shows up on my test.
Temp - 27 degrees C (80 degrees F)
ph - 7
I dont know what to do, I'm worried that the ich will spread to all the other fish in the tank (is it contagious??) and I dont have any where to quarantine the infected fish, but by the look of it the others may already be infected as I noticed the sword tail rubbing against one of the plants tonight, but no white spots as yet.
Should I treat the tank with an over the counter medication that I bought which contains methylene blue, acrifavine & malachite green (this really doesn't mean anything to me
) On the bottle is says to turn off the filter while treating the tank, and I'm worried that it will kill all the good bacteria in my filter which has taken so long to finally get right.
I'm really at a loss as to what I should do..... if any one has any suggestion, please, please share them with me.
I just started keeping fish so I'm quite new to this. Ive got a 120 ltr (31g) freshwater aquarium and seem to be having one some problems.
Ive got 2 pearl gouramis, two sword tails, two high fin platys, 2 bronze corys, 1 bristle nose, 3 guppies and 10 neon tetras.
I've just finished cycling my tank with fish (unfortunatley I didn't really have a choice because I had to put them somewhere)
Ammonia -0
Nitrite - .5
Nitrate - 10 ppm
ph 6.8
My readings yesterday and today were
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - just a trace shows up on my test.
Temp - 27 degrees C (80 degrees F)
ph - 7
I dont know what to do, I'm worried that the ich will spread to all the other fish in the tank (is it contagious??) and I dont have any where to quarantine the infected fish, but by the look of it the others may already be infected as I noticed the sword tail rubbing against one of the plants tonight, but no white spots as yet.
Should I treat the tank with an over the counter medication that I bought which contains methylene blue, acrifavine & malachite green (this really doesn't mean anything to me
I'm really at a loss as to what I should do..... if any one has any suggestion, please, please share them with me.