newbie looking to set up cichlid tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 9, 2011
Lutz, Fl
I have a 30 gal tank that id like to turn into a cichlid tank. Can someone recommend a list of smaller fish I could put in this tank? Also, what special needs do cichlids have other than hiding spots? Can someone recommend a good website for setting up a c tank? Thanks in advance!
The problem with the 30 is it leaves no room for growth. Esp if you get a few rounds of fry. It happens quicker than you think. Any chance you can get a bigger tank? Try craigslist very cheap. You have to think long term for the health of your fish. Small tanks have small filtration, and hi aggression.
There are plenty of cichlids that would work in a 30 gallon, just as there are plenty that won't. I'd avoid Mbuna and any of the larger African rift lake cichlids. Tanganyikan shell dwellers would be fine there, or you could keep some African riverine cichlids like kribs (there are Pelvicachromis occasionally available in the hobby other than pulcher), or buffalo heads (Steatocranus casuarius and tinanti more commonly found than others).

Or, you could go Central American and keep some interesting cichlids. Smaller central Americans like the rainbow cichlid (Herotilapia multispinosa), Cichlasoma dimerus, Cryptoheros cutteri, etc. could be kept in pairs in your tank.

Or, you could go South American and keep Apistogramma (many species are now found in the hobby), Rams (ramirezi or altispinosa are both good choices, altispinosa is much easier to keep), keyholes (Creithracara maronii), angelfish, etc.
+1 to what SM said. Just be sure and research each individual species you consider and add, as each will have their own needs.
You can check out the cookie cutter stocking lists on when the site is working again, seems to be temporarily unavailable or I would have posted a direct link.
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