Newbie with ideas for a 30 gal

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 9, 2014
Hi there!

I currently have a freshwater 5 gal hex with 2 female fancy guppies, 1 male fancy guppy, 4 (1 week old) fry, as well as 2 apple snails.

I've been doing a lot of research, and I'm considering upgrading to a 30 gal tank, and making some additions to my stock. Here's my list as far of ideas for the 30 gal:

3 panda Cory cats
7 guppies (I already have these, assuming my fry all survive)
2 Dwarf Gourami
2 apple snails
6 neon tetra
5 ghost shrimp

What do you guys think about this combo? Is this too many fish for a 30 gal? Also, when considering bioload/stocking a tank, do invertebrates increase the bioload, or take away from it, since they eat debris?

Any comments/concerns/advice appreciated :) :fish1:
Idk about the Cory. Never had them. But I think gourami are great. The dwarfs are very timid. So they should mix good with guppies. So if you want gourami stick with the dwarfs.
As for the bio load, I would suggest to add an under gravel filter. That will really help clean the gravel so you would be able to add more fish.
Do you plan on having live plants? I agree you need at least 5 corys. They need to live in groups to be happy.
Thanks for the advice, guys. I'll make sure to get at least 5 Corys.

Do you think I need an under gravel filter? I'll be getting an Aquaclear 50 for my tank, which is 30 gallons.

Also, how accurate do you think Aqadvisor's advice is? It says that with my tank, filter, and all the fish I listed above (including 5 Cory cats and 2 dwarf gourami) I should be fine.

I really want live plants, but I'm wondering if it would just be too expensive with the FS lighting and everything. Do you think java moss and maybe some java ferns would do okay without any special lighting? The room the tank will be in has a lot of natural light from large windows.
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