Hi there!
I currently have a freshwater 5 gal hex with 2 female fancy guppies, 1 male fancy guppy, 4 (1 week old) fry, as well as 2 apple snails.
I've been doing a lot of research, and I'm considering upgrading to a 30 gal tank, and making some additions to my stock. Here's my list as far of ideas for the 30 gal:
3 panda Cory cats
7 guppies (I already have these, assuming my fry all survive)
2 Dwarf Gourami
2 apple snails
6 neon tetra
5 ghost shrimp
What do you guys think about this combo? Is this too many fish for a 30 gal? Also, when considering bioload/stocking a tank, do invertebrates increase the bioload, or take away from it, since they eat debris?
Any comments/concerns/advice appreciated
I currently have a freshwater 5 gal hex with 2 female fancy guppies, 1 male fancy guppy, 4 (1 week old) fry, as well as 2 apple snails.
I've been doing a lot of research, and I'm considering upgrading to a 30 gal tank, and making some additions to my stock. Here's my list as far of ideas for the 30 gal:
3 panda Cory cats
7 guppies (I already have these, assuming my fry all survive)
2 Dwarf Gourami
2 apple snails
6 neon tetra
5 ghost shrimp
What do you guys think about this combo? Is this too many fish for a 30 gal? Also, when considering bioload/stocking a tank, do invertebrates increase the bioload, or take away from it, since they eat debris?
Any comments/concerns/advice appreciated