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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 6, 2014
Monterey, Ca
hello! i recently just started a 30 gal dwarf puffer tank and everyone seems to be situating very well, ill be introducing plants soon (as soon as they get shipped to me). im looking into getting a pressurized c02 system. anyone have any advice one the fluval 88g system? ill be using a paintball c02 can with an adapter once they 88g that comes with the system runs out. thanks any advice would be great!
I don't have advice but I'm new to and only been here a couple of weeks I have a 50 gallon mixed African cichlids and a ten gallon community tank with

1 Kribensis
2 Ottos
4 kuhlis
3 guppies
1 honey gourami

And welcome to AA

Sent from my iPod touch using Aquarium Advice
Welcome to AA!
I'm sorry as well but I don't know that tank of Fluval in order to help you out... Well, I guess we have to shout for someone who knows!

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