Newby aquascaper

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 26, 2011
Havnt done much research but what I have found is that aqua-scaping is something I want to try to get into. Is there a good reference guide I could use to set one up? If so please share your knowledge.

Another question I have is about drift wood. I found some pretty nice pieces of drift wood and I've kept them outside all summer in my garden. What is the best way to prepaid wood to be submerged into a fishtank? Are here certain things I should avoid when finding drift wood?

Any answers regarding either question would be greatly appreciated!
I've never gathered my own drift wood. But from what I've read, the steps are:

1) Boil the bajesus out of it.
2) Submerge it until it sinks. Methods vary on this point.

Hopefully someone else can give more thorough advice. Maybe you'll get lucky and it will sink on its own.
I'm pretty sure any hardwood is suitable to use in a tank, except evergreen because of the sap (I seem to recall reading that somewhere). It has to be dried (not green/straight from the tree), driftwood from the beach or bog wood from a creek/lake/etc. It has to be collected from somewhere that has no contaminates (toxic run off/sewage/weed killer) that could leach in to the wood and end up in your tank.

When preparing the wood you need to scrub all the dirt and loose bark off. Then soak it in a tub of water to leach all or most of the tannins out and to water log it. Using hot water will help speed up this process. The water will need to be changed every day or so. This may take weeks or months to achieve. If the wood was collected, instead of bought from a LFS, you will need to kill all the nasties that may be on/in it. Some people use bleach but I don't like the idea of that going into my tank. You can boil it in a large pot for a couple of hours, rely on the hot water you are soaking it in or my favorite, put it though the dishwasher :D (no soap of course!).

After all this, if it still doesn't want to sink, you can use a stainless steel screw to fix a piece of slate to the bottom that you can hide in the substrate. Or just sit a stone on the top.

Wow, I typed way too much lol. Hope it helps!
Omg thank you for typing that much.
After reading the process, I can't do this just now. But for future reference I will read up on it. Doubt my girlfriend let's me run the wood through the dishwasher but I love the idea!!!! Hahah as for the wood I did find it shall remain a garden decoration. Oh and considering the lake I got it from has had high levels of mercury, this wood will not suit. Though it looks awesome and my Pleco (sucker free Sunday) would have loved it!
Thank you again. I might use the method, or stick to buying wood. But I do hate the thought of buying wood when it grows outside. Lol.
Namcdaniel222 said:
Omg thank you for typing that much.
After reading the process, I can't do this just now. But for future reference I will read up on it. Doubt my girlfriend let's me run the wood through the dishwasher but I love the idea!!!! Hahah as for the wood I did find it shall remain a garden decoration. Oh and considering the lake I got it from has had high levels of mercury, this wood will not suit. Though it looks awesome and my Pleco (sucker free Sunday) would have loved it!
Thank you again. I might use the method, or stick to buying wood. But I do hate the thought of buying wood when it grows outside. Lol.

You welcome. I feel the same way about buying it. Only ever bought one piece and it was so over priced for what it was.
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