Aquarium Advice Addict
Well, a pair of my rams spawned on Thursday. I noticed the female's ovipositor slightly extended and she was hovering over the clay pot where she laid the last two spawns, so I put a piece of slate right there and the pair decided to spawn on it for me (unsurprisingly).
That was at 5:00 pm. Friday monrning around 8:00 am I pulled the eggs and put them into their own ~3/4 gallon container with an airstone and a heater set to 84 degrees. I added a half a drop of Quick Cure along with 1/2 capful of hydrogen peroxide. I checked them around 11:50 pm Friday night and some had hatched and released from the slate.
This morning (Saturday) around 8:00 am I checked them again and nearly all of them are wigglers, many still on the slate but a good amount on the bottom of the container. Some actually made the visit up to the to to see me before falling back down. They aren't free-swimming yet but by Monday they should be.
I counted 23 unfertilized eggs, only 2 more than my initial count on Friday morning. I counted the eggs using Microsoft Paint and I deleted them as I counted them off one by one. I counted 451 in all! That's a rather large spawn for rams, the largest I've seen to date. Not too surprising since the parents are half wilds and are good quality breeders. Rams are "supposed to have" soft and acidic water according to many, but in my experience they do just fine in hard and alkaline water. My ph is around 7.8 and my GH is 300+ ppm.
So I should have over 400 free-swimmers in a couple of days. I'm ready for them this time since I have cultures of microworms and walter worms established. I'll be changing the water out every day that I can since I will have more time now that class is out for the semester.
Looks like I may have to set up another tank and/or get rid of some of my existing fish. My female will probably spawn for me Wednesday or Thursday and I'll have even more eggs to work with! Stay tuned for pictures and videos. I'll get some up in a couple of days.
That was at 5:00 pm. Friday monrning around 8:00 am I pulled the eggs and put them into their own ~3/4 gallon container with an airstone and a heater set to 84 degrees. I added a half a drop of Quick Cure along with 1/2 capful of hydrogen peroxide. I checked them around 11:50 pm Friday night and some had hatched and released from the slate.
This morning (Saturday) around 8:00 am I checked them again and nearly all of them are wigglers, many still on the slate but a good amount on the bottom of the container. Some actually made the visit up to the to to see me before falling back down. They aren't free-swimming yet but by Monday they should be.
I counted 23 unfertilized eggs, only 2 more than my initial count on Friday morning. I counted the eggs using Microsoft Paint and I deleted them as I counted them off one by one. I counted 451 in all! That's a rather large spawn for rams, the largest I've seen to date. Not too surprising since the parents are half wilds and are good quality breeders. Rams are "supposed to have" soft and acidic water according to many, but in my experience they do just fine in hard and alkaline water. My ph is around 7.8 and my GH is 300+ ppm.
So I should have over 400 free-swimmers in a couple of days. I'm ready for them this time since I have cultures of microworms and walter worms established. I'll be changing the water out every day that I can since I will have more time now that class is out for the semester.
Looks like I may have to set up another tank and/or get rid of some of my existing fish. My female will probably spawn for me Wednesday or Thursday and I'll have even more eggs to work with! Stay tuned for pictures and videos. I'll get some up in a couple of days.