Nitrite Level .5

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 11, 2011
HI All,

I guess I have over feed a bit. My Nitrite was at 1ppm this morning, after 25% water change its now at .5

Can I do another 25% tomorrow? I have plenty of water made already.

I read somewhere you can change it every day, That it was like opening a window and letting fresh air in, but I wanted to be sure!

it should be fine doing another pwc. the question is why do you have nitrites? Don't you get ammonia spikes for over feeding?
The more I am reading seems like its going through another cycle?

Like the second part of it...
Yeah it looks like it. How big is your tank and what kind of fish do you have? When did you cycle and how did you cycle? ie: ammonia, dead shrimp method, with fish
100g tank - Cycle finished about 2 months ago, I added 2 fish. About three weeks ago I bought a cuc and 2 more fish. Checked levels close and it was all clear.

I added a med purple tang last weekend and today I noticed he had a few dots of ick on him so I got to testing again... found ammo at .25 and nitrite at 1 so I did the 25%

since the pwc this am, he has almost recovered from the ick already, He must have been stressed.

I want to do another pwc in the morning to get the levels down some more.
Sounds like a solid idea. You'll have a better picture by then. for sure keep an eye on that tang, I hear they are ick magnets.
Grrr... this stupid nitrite...

Ok, I have been doing 25% water changes every day for the past 3 days and my nitrites are still reading high...

I tested this morning at it was at 1ppm..

After the change I read at .25, in the morning it will be 1ppm again... blah

Is this level deadly to the fish?

Is there anything else I can do besides continue with my water changes?

I have used almost a bucket of salt with all these water changes... :(

Thanks ppl!
Poor Tang he wants to be cleaned so bad by my fire shrimp... and he is being ignored... Off to the LFS to get me a couple cleaner shrimps... maybe that will assist him with the ick.

I am also treating with Kordon's Ick Attack. All Natural and is Reef Safe. So far I haven't lost anything.
I'm actually having a similar issue though my tank is only 3 weeks old. I added my CUC early yesterday morning, and i got .50 nitrites yesterday night. This morning I did another test and it was .25 nitrites so I did another 20% water change. I just wanted to add that I wouldn't add anymore fish/shrimp/anything until your water levels are back to normal and everything is stable.
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