Nitrogen Cycle & water changes

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 7, 2013
I am new to saltwater keeping. I started a Red Sea max 130d 13 days ago. Following the instructions for the tank I did a 10% water change at the 1 week mark, it also says to do 10% change at 2 week and then every month there after unless your bioload is heavier in which case it will be more frequent. But I have read frequently on the forum people saying not to change the water until after the nitrogen cycle.
Opinions Please.
I didn't do water change until my tank was fully cycled. Cycling took 2 weeks. I had live sand and live rock. I did not add more bacteria than came with live sand and live rock. I did monitor my ammonia/nitrates/nitrite/ PH almost daily though. First was ammonia spike followed by nitrite and nitrate spikes.
My guess is that Red Sea is recommending the water changes during the cycling period if you're doing a "fish in" cycle.

If you're doing a fishless cycle, you don't need to do a water change until your cycling is complete.
I wouldn't change the water until the end of the cycle. If you plan to keep photosynthetic creatures and inverts, I would be doing water changes more than monthly throughout the life of the tank.
Thank you, would weekly be more like it? And yes once the cycle is complete I would like to eventually have corals and inverts.
Weekly would be an excellent way to keep the tank healthy and replace used up trace elements, if it's not too much trouble.
Nah, got the time. And would much rather put in the time, then have to buy everything over again. Especially if I buy anything expensive.
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