Non-Tempered 150 Gallon Tank???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 16, 2003
Charlotte North Carolina
Hello all

First off thanks for the help with the cracking frame on my current tank.
The 150 Gallon tank I want to get from is made out of 1/2" thick PLATE glass...will this really hold up under all the weight of water and gravel???

Thanks JIm
I have a tank made of 1/2" plate glass. It's only 50G, but after working with it. I'm more then sure it will hold up. Just make sure you have enough support under it. I would also head down to the hardware store and get clear plastic corner sleaves for the edges. Unlike tempered glass this thing WILL chip. My 50G I'm guessing weight is around 100 lbs. So count on an extra hand or two moving this thing around.

Good luck and keep us posted on the tank!
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