Noobie planting help

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 25, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio
Read some of the threads in here already but I was curious what would work best in my tank:

46 gallon bow front, 40 watt fluorescent, top fin white aquarium gravel:

I realize the lighting is less than optimal, and I think my choice of gravel is less than optimal as well. I was just wondering if there's any type of plant that could work in my current setup? I don't need to crazy plant it, just some real plants so I don't have the entire tank done up with plastic. I have some fake driftwood, and waterfall from petsmart that came with my tank as well.
Java Fern, Java Moss, Anubias, and most Crypts will do well with that amount of light. Everything but the Crypts could be tied to driftwood or rock instead of planting in the gravel making it a moot issue.
Purrbox is right on. Those plants are your best bet. Watersprite may also work. It grows like mad in just about any conditions. Let us know how things go :)
Will do, and I'll post up some pics of befor the planting and after, I may wait a few days though so the fish don't stress out too much having just cycled the tank, and having to fish out a cory that found it's way into the waterfall and got stuck. lol
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