Not feeding while on vacation?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 14, 2011
Nashville, TN
We have discus, German Blue Rams, Boesemani rainbows, and cory cats. We're about to go on a vacation for 8 days, and this is the first time we've went on one since we got our tank a few months ago. So, we're new to this.

I went on another forum and was assured that it's typical, at least with discus, not to feed at all while on vacation. Not feeding keeps the water quality up since we won't be around to do water changes. seems strange to me that it's OK not to feed for 8 days. Maybe that's because it would cause us humans great stress to go that long without food.

So I'm asking you just stop feeding while on vacation, or do you setup automatic feeders and just hope the water quality isn't too fouled up by the time you get back?
8 days is pushing it. Most fish are fine going for 5 days or more once in awhile. Discus usually aren't though. Do you have any friends or family that could visit while you are gone to feed already portioned out amounts?
8 days is pushing it. Most fish are fine going for 5 days or more once in awhile. Discus usually aren't though. Do you have any friends or family that could visit while you are gone to feed already portioned out amounts?

Unfortunately we don't. We're kind of on an island here.

We can buy an autofeeder, that's fine. I just don't like how it'll center the food in one small location...I love to spread the food out when I'm feeding to make sure all fish get to eat.
Is there anyone that can feed the fishes for you? If so, you can portion the food already so they know how much to feed each time (ignore this just read your reply).

If not, and you want to use an automatic feeder I say try it out a week before you go so you know that it works efficiently and also try to get the one with individual servings.

For 8 days I would say they will need to be fed (IMHO). If it was just over the weekend then I wouldnt be too worried.
Is there anyone that can feed the fishes for you? If so, you can portion the food already so they know how much to feed each time (ignore this just read your reply).

If not, and you want to use an automatic feeder I say try it out a week before you go so you know that it works efficiently and also try to get the one with individual servings.

For 8 days I would say they will need to be fed (IMHO). If it was just over the weekend then I wouldnt be too worried.

We live far away from any family and we don't really have any friends in this area either. Kind of loners, I suppose. So we'll be stuck with the auto feeder.
I wouldn't leave them for eight days. Maybe get an automatic feeder? Or a TRUSTED friend( leave them really strict instructions. Lol) flakes are better than nothing I guess.
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