Not sure how to stock my tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 12, 2014
South Africa
Hi all, I'm new to all of this so not sure what the etiquette is so hope everyone is well haha.

I recently bought a 100 litre tank and have had it running for a few weeks now and I'm starting to look around for stocking options. I currently have a red-tail shark that was being bullied in a friends tank that I have "adopted" and now looking at getting 2x Dwarf Gourami, 6x Cardinal Tetras, 6x Rummy Nose Tetras, 1x Otocinclus and 2x Zebra Loaches (have some snails that need some taking care of.) I am really open to advice as I'm pretty lost when it comes to how many fish you should keep and if their swimming levels make a difference as to how many fish you can keep.

Any help is much appreciated!
The shark will be way to big for that tank get rid of it. The rest of it looks fine but you need more otos at least 4. So I would get rid of 1 school
Get Otos. What they call a Siamese Algea Eater can be a number of fish. Some are fine while others can be a problem. Otos are very casual other than feeding. Ditch the Shark, love them but they get too big for your tank.
It's fairly easy to identify the difference between the flying fox and the Siamese algae eater. The sae is a bit big for that tank though. They are a fairly large fish.
I don't think two dwarf gouramis would be good in a tank that size. Even if it is two females. Also, I would ditch the zebra loach. They should have at least 4 in a school and at that point it would mess with your stock. Plus it isn't really a beginner's fish.

So go with one dwarf gourami, 4 otocinclus, 8 cardnial tetras, and 8 rummynose tetras. That would be perfect.

Also, do you know about cycling, and how to acclimate a fish properly?

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