Octopus tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 10, 2005
Denton TX
So... My boyfriend and I have decided that it's time to keep the ultimate pet. An octopus. We're fully aware that he needs lots of space (right now a 150 gal. will have to do), and lots of puzzles to keep himself occupied, and that water quality has to be perfect, but I'm looking for a little more advice.

If anybody has ever kept, or is currently keeping, an octopus, please give me some tips! Can I keep anemones with him? What kinds of octopus are best? What type of filtration can I do that he won't crawl into or take apart? Anything else?

Thank you very, very much!

Not all need a large tank. It depends on the type you are getting. Are you aware that they have very SHORT lifespans? You might want to weigh this into your equation as well. There are numerous articles on the net regarding the proper way to set up a tank. There used to be a great resource www.octopets.com I just tried to go there and it was unavailable. Not sure if this is temporary or what. You might want to give it a try later.
I believe, the female will die after giving birth. They are fun to play with in the wild. They like shiny things, like your regulator and will pull it out of your mouth. They are very intelligent and you will need a cover, so they don't escape.
Hara said:
Not all need a large tank. It depends on the type you are getting. Are you aware that they have very SHORT lifespans?

Yes, precisely...as in under 1 year for most tropical species. Coldwater species live longer, but are much larger, so you would need a chilled tank of 500+ gallons to even attempt it. Your best online resource is here: http://www.tonmo.com/
Another thing, if they release their ink, you will have to do a water change imedeately or it could kill the animal.
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