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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 7, 2003
Mankato MN
I went to my LFS and seen that they have an octopus for sale, a very descent size and for $50. I have been reading alot on them and seems they have a very short life span. I have read some very different websites on advice to take care of them. I know all the basics like making sure they are not prone to escaping. Does anyone have any advice or experience with the octopus if so leave what you know plz. Thanks.
Escaping is probably the first thing. If I am not mistaken, the octopus is a very clever animal and must be kept mentally stimulated with toys and such.
Ya i have read that also im just looking for the care and matinence that i would have to do if i was to purchase one. Thanks Roger.
do you know if it is a female or male? females tend to die first because they lay their eggs and never leave then and die of starvation where the males tend to live longer.
I have no idea about M/F i dont know its really good sized im guessing about 7-8 inches. I have read that mostly females will perish when laying eggs, but i hear that males have a very short life span that equal to the female even in the case of eggs. I do know they are fascinating and the one at the LFS is in a specimen cage so it cant get out.. :D
they are kept in specimen tanks not just to keep them from getting out, but also because they WILL eat anything they can get their tenticles on. An octopus cannot be kept in a community tank, it must have a tank to itself.

note this quick write up from www.liveaquaria.com,
The Octopus will do best in an aquarium if provided with ample hiding places and a large area in which to move. It prefers an aquarium with caves and medium to coarse substrate. The Octopus can be surprisingly strong, so in the home aquarium, it is best to anchor the rocks, or even glue them together to keep the Octopus from toppling the rocks into the glass or onto itself. Cover all tank openings very well or it will try to escape. The Octopus is sensitive to high levels of nitrates and copper-based medications. It can be very difficult to acclimate into a new environment.

Always approach the Octopus slowly to avoid causing it to release its ink cloud in defense. In the aquarium, this release of ink will necessitate a large water change to avoid its death.
Do you have a species name? All octo's are not the same and there is no way to detail the proper care for all of them because of this other than the basics of securing the tank, etc.

Due to the fact that they have a much less than stellar record in captivity, I would advise you to stop by an octo specific site like <<TONMO>> to help you make the best decision for you and the octopus.
Avoid the blue ring octopus. It is poisonous, very poisonous causing paralasis. They don't get real big but they are beautiful. I was watching a tv show and they said when you get bit your body will become paralyzed and you can't move but you can hear and are aware of everything around you, but cannot acknowledge anyone. to check it out go to www.thepetstop.com scroll down on the fish menu to octopus.
gooyferret -

One of the moderators of www.fishinthe.net has an Octopus. She's become very knowledgeable about them. Her name on the board his Gal5.

Maybe she can give you some advice or answer some questions for you.

Jen :multi:
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