Okay...I Have HAD It With Water Changes...

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Well, if it is going to destroy my new house and upset the entire layout of the tank each and every time, then it's CERTAINLY not for me...

That's simply not possible in our setup, and where we decided to put a tank.

I did that with the AquaClear -- that is, I added a vasefull of water from the tank to prime it and start working again, but it's just a ridiculous process to me (my Aqueon is an auto-start filter because the pump is submerged in the water).

I dont even do water changes, just freshwater top ups. My fish have lived for years. I do filter like crazy though and change the filter material about every two months.
You don't do water changes...at all? Are you running a planted tank? You just top off the evaporated water?
MrMalta - check your nitrates... and the fact that your tank is "healthy" with frequent changes of filter material is not because of the changes but in spite of them.

Regardless: yes, water changes are always the best route for your fish. Considering that's why we test our water, monitor levels, do water changes, etc - to promote the health of our fish - when in doubt, do a change.
I'll offer that it's entirely possible that MrMalta's tank is very high in nitrates (unless it is VERY heavily planted, and even so, the plants do need the minerals that water changes provide unless he doses them separately) - while these are not poisonous in the way that ammonia and nitrite are, they are damaging over time. It's not the wise way to run a tank, nor is it the responsible one.
I tend be a little ocd so I have to try to enjoy things that aren't perfect. Sometimes it great just to let it go. I feel bad for you that this has become such a negative experience.

I also use one of those things that the hose attaches to the sink. It is perfect. I also had the plumber put in one of those setups in the wall for a washing machine with water and a drain next to the tank. Works perfect. No buckets to carry.

Good Luck.
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