Old live rock

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 7, 2009
Culpeper, VA
I have some old live rock from a tank years ago. Its been sitting outside for a while now at my parents house so its all dead.

Whats the best way to get it prepared to put back into a tank as a base?

Does it really need to be cleaned if Im going to put it into a new uncycled tank?
I would defiantly clean it. Are you sure nothing was sprayed on it or near it? I would be leary of using it after it sat out side . Once you have determined it to be safe . I would also hit it with a power washer with just plain water and give it a good spray down if there is dirt or any thing on it ;). I would also place it in water and allow it to leach out any thing bad you can use just old used salt water (if you have it ) or RO/DI water changing it out every other day .. Then place it into your tank add a bit of live rock from a couple places if possible and go from there .
I agree with Sadie in that I would clean it pretty good. At least give it a good scrubbing.
Pretty sure it wasnt sprayed with anything, i will be sure to scrub it good. Thanks for the help!
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