One-eyed oranda...

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 27, 2006
Lancashire, UK
Unfortunately, my mobile died when I tried to text my mum about bringing home a mini-Dave (Dave's a Ginger British Shorthair, these were just ginger moggie kittens), so there's no pic of it, but, this poor oranda had only got one eye and wasn't too active, it was a big one though at about 3 inches from mouth to the base of it's tail. But the place where it's left (missing) eye should have been was a slightly indented pinhole, so either it was born without an eye or it lost it somehow and has successfully healed up, with the fish having to cope without it... :(

Poor thing... :(
I've got a Ryunkin with only one eye. He was in an outdoor barrel pond and ended up with some sort of disease (highly resembled HITH). His left eye just slowly rotted away to nothing. He's now got an empty area that looks exactly as you described. Happened about 2 years ago. He was maybe 2" from head to tail then. He lives happily in a 30g with his buddy faintail, both at about 5" head to tail.
FMJnaX said:
I've got a Ryunkin with only one eye. He was in an outdoor barrel pond and ended up with some sort of disease (highly resembled HITH). His left eye just slowly rotted away to nothing. He's now got an empty area that looks exactly as you described. Happened about 2 years ago. He was maybe 2" from head to tail then. He lives happily in a 30g with his buddy faintail, both at about 5" head to tail.

That's a nasty sounding disease, but at least your (and the pet shop's) fish survived and is happy being a pirate fish... :D

But, if the Oranda I saw still has remnants of that disease, then the other 30 or so could also catch it and lose their eyes too... :(
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