Options other than Blood Parrot Cichlids? Or would they work?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 11, 2012
I was at the fish store today getting a betta, tank, a few fish for my 25 gal etc. $80 worth of stuff :lol: My mom was looking at the cichlids, (which she loves) and she saw the blood parrot cichlids. She was almost begging me to get one. She loves the look of them. I have to agree, they are pretty adorable. I would be all for getting one, but I don't think I could have one in my tank. I have a 25 gallon tank with 5 cory cats, 1 platy, and 5 gold barbs. Also 2 amano shrimp. There are lots of plants, DW and rocks with shrimp only hiding places.

I told her I wasn't going to get one. Today at least. I told her I didn't know enough about them and I think they get too big.
I went online, and I read they need at least 30 gallons. I read that from a few different sources. I think that one would be okay in a 25, but I read they can get 8 inches! Now, I would like to upgrade to a 40 gallon, or even a 55 gallon at some point. Probably in 1-3 years. Sooner than later though ;)
I read that the BPC grow fairly slow after they reach 4.5", and that is the size the fish store is selling.

Eventually I would like to add one more platy so it has a friend, two more gold barbs. Then I would like to add another school of fish, but it depends on what I can find.

So I guess my question is: Would a BP work in that tank for a couple years, (or one year)? And if it couldn't what else would look similar, but work better?

Thanks :)
My Mom did the same lol. The only difference is I ended up coming home with two 8 inch monsters. Luckily I had some extra tanks sitting around. I hear they actually make okay community fish because their mouths are deformed and so they can't do much damage. In my own experience I can't even keep the two BPC together. They are such bullies....but they are cute bullies.
I will have to buy one of those then. And it's an excuse for a bigger tank in the future also :)

The cory cats, barbs, and platy I think would be a lot faster then the BPC too.
They aren't community fish and the deformed mouth has a surprisingly good bite, I feed mine on pellets and they eat them fine, also they are a cichlids so really should only be in a cichlid tank
Okay. So if they aren't community fish, would one be okay in my tank for a while, or should I wait till I get a larger tank?
25g is far to small. And you have to remember, this hybrid is often crossed with RD/Midas. The attitude on them with not make for a good community fish. They are best kept in less aggressive cichlid set ups. Their drool mouth makes them defenseless in more aggressive cichlids set ups.
Alright I will wait then. :) Fine with me. I just wanted to check here, didn't want to get a wrong fish for the tank.

So. If I get a 40B or a 55 Gal, what other cichlids could I keep? I am glad I asked here before, my mom was trying to convince me to get one. She said it would be fine in my tank. And that's coming from the person who keeps goldfish in bowls. lol
I really am such a newb when it comes to cichlids. I'm going to need a lot of help when it comes to stocking. So bear with me :lol:
What do you guys think about:

1 Blood Parrot
2 Gold Severums
1 Fire Mouth
6 Black Skirt Tetras (would they be okay, or no? I know they are nippy and a little agressive. If not I will do 6 Tiger Barbs?)
I would love a Jack Dempsy but I think that would be too mean. Or a Black Ghost Knife.

Let me know if these would work or not. I'm open to most anything :)
Maybe scratch one sev and the fm, and call it stocked.

The footprint of a 40b does not really allow for many fish over 6" specially ones with attitude.

And a BGK needs 125+ for life, 75 will work for a few years as they grow slow after reaching about the 10" mark.
That's what I was thinking. See I am glad you guys are here because Cichlids are really new to me :lol:
Also, I'll probably get a 55. It will be easier to fit in my room.

So maybe

1 Blood Parrot
2 Gold Severums
1 Jack Dempsy
6 Tiger Barbs

Rocks, plants, and driftwood.

That sound good? I think it would be a cool tank. :)
That's what I was thinking. See I am glad you guys are here because Cichlids are really new to me :lol:
Also, I'll probably get a 55. It will be easier to fit in my room.

So maybe

1 Blood Parrot
2 Gold Severums
1 Jack Dempsy
6 Tiger Barbs

Rocks, plants, and driftwood.

That sound good? I think it would be a cool tank. :)

Yeah, a 55 is only good for 1 JD, and maybe a plec, or school of target fish.
So that would work? Cool. I love JD colors. And I can get them at the local LFS which is even better :)

It's funny, because this seems like so few fish to me. I am used to small community fish!
Oh, if I can't do the Parrot or anything else I will scratch the JD. I just thought it would be a cool fish to have.

So something like this then:

1 BP
2 Gold Severums
6 Tiger Barbs

Seems like I have a little room for something else. Could I add anything else? Something really colorful. My mom also likes the African Cichlids, but I know I can't keep any of those in this tank.
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