Orange shoulder Tang

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 11, 2005
Just got an Orange shoulder. he is only about 2" right now. How long before they start to change from yellow to gray. Very cool fish, people cannot believe it when I tell them that he will be two shades of gray when he grows up. :roll:
In a 75g it will take some time. I did the same thing you did not knowing how big they would get.

I kept mine in a 75g for about 18 months and just recently returned it to LFS when it was about 8-9". It had already developed the Lyre tail and mostly changed color. They are a beautiful fish, but you need a much larger tank. Mine was extremely healthy, but probably could have done better in a larger tank which is why I gave it away when I upgraded to my 90g.

Now I get to go visit it in the display at the LFS.

I still have a couple of pics in my gallery:

To answer your question at about 5-6" the transition will become noticable.

Good luck,

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