oscar color?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 17, 2010
st. louis
I got my first oscar last week, and ive noticed that since i brought him home, his black color has faded to a brown color, he is still pretty small, so i was just wondering if it was normal?
It is not uncommon. Fish will change there color when stressed or depending on there environment (black sand makes darker fish, white sand makes lighter fish). So i would say it is either stress or just different environment in your tank besides the pet stores tank.
well, ive done some research, and ive read that they can be different colors than black, and i seen that they can be Olive green, and that would be an accurate color description of him now, and yes, he is in a light brown sand now. but, in terms from stress, all of my parameters are good, so maybe just a change of homes would be the source of any stress if there is any
I wouldnt say its stress, i would say he changed his colors to match his background better.
one of my old friends had an oscar and it changed colors almost every other day....mind you he was only in like a 15-20 gallon tank....i know it was horrible
I had this experience as you did as well. I feel in love with these two oscars because in the store they were mostly black and white it appeared. I took them home and on the ride they changed which I expected because of stress and put them in their new home and they have been brown and orange ever since. Now, I still like them very much but not the same fish I was expecting as seen in the store. They do get darker and lighter all the time depending on mood, time of day, water changes, hungry etc. They actually have great "personality" if you can really say that about a fish. Enjoy because they are great.
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