Oscars + Plants??

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 1, 2013
Yesterday I decided to re-scape my 55 gallon aquarium. During the process I picked up a couple hardy plants such as an Anubias and some Java Fern. They are only 3" each as of now but I figured it was worth a shot. The plants have been in for 24 hours now and my oscars have not disturbed them. I'm still skeptical though!!ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388864845.252686.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388864883.534385.jpg
New to aquarium plants in any sense and I hope this goes well.
Good luck!

Anubias and java ferns can't be planted in the substrate though. They prefer the be tied onto some driftwood or rocks. If you keep the rhizome in the substrate it'll eventually die and rot.
Keep us updated! My cichlids never touched the live plants when I put them in. The crawdad I used to have made sure they had a good manicure though...
I found mine didn't touch plants until they bred. Then everything went everywhere.
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