Ottocinclus fry

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 10, 2011
Its become apparent my otocinclus have bred as I noticed two baby oto's while doing a water change today, my question is, Do I have to feed them special food or will they eat algae wafers and shrimp pellets like my adult oto's do?
they eat what the adults do. and congrats on getting them to spawn,your water must be awesome
I was amazed as Ive been lacking with the water changes the past two, three weeks, Ive had family stuff on my mind and the water changes kept slipping my mind.
In the tank there are just oto's rcs and amano shrimp, so they must be oto babies
Im thinking maybe I should put a pair of tights over the filter intake to be safe, now to find some tights.
OMG you lucky duck!!!! what did you do to get your otos to make bebes???? I have kept otos in all of my tanks and never gotten them to back bebes. Then again I have always had shrimp who probably ate them along with everything that was ever born outside of an in tank breeder lol

We want pictures!!!
No pics as of yet as they keep moving, but I'll try to get a pic asap


I circled this little guy with white since its hard to see

And these are two of the three possible parents

Wow! I've never seen baby Otos before :). So much for the myth they're 100% wild caught and don't breed in captivity.
Two new shots one, well one but one zoomed in cropped copy one standard pic to give you an idea of size.


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