Out of control Ich

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
Hello, I have an Ich outbreak in my 5 tank and I have been trying a bunch of treatments for a long time, and its stronger than ever it seems. This tank is having many problems, and its most likely my fault as I am new to all of this.

First, my favorite guppy had tail rot, to treat it as simply as I could I kept the water conditions as well as I could, low ammonia for an uncycled tank not over feeding and approx. 10% water changes ~every 3 days. Only got worse, scared of using heavy duty medicine, I got melafix, used it as directed for the 7 days, his tail kept falling apart.

Then I used API fungus powder, reluctantly, and just got done with the full treatment yesterday when I did a 25% change and gravel vacuum as directed. Fin rot is gone, yay.

But unfortunately as I am new to this, I didn't set up a quarantine tank (I had no other fish in the new tank) when I got the new guppies, I got 3 male guppies and 1 corey catfish all at the same same time, and they all had ich from the store(I didnt notice it). This was happening with the fin rot as well. This is a little messy to read, so I will try to clear it up a little, new tank established, no fish, let rest with a filter and plants for 2 days, went and get all the fish to put in, fin rot happened and seemed more deadly, but ich was present at start.

I bumped up the temp to 87/88 F, added some salt, and it is terrible. Its been like this for about 8 days. The ich is on their bodies and fins and its taking over. I know the heat treatment only works while the ich is swimming, but why are they getting worse? Do I just need to be patient, or get some ich treatment? I also have a nerite snail, just to throw that in there. But please help with some advice, Im doing my best here and really only care about help and not scolding for things Ive done wrong.

Thank you
I had ich before and used APIs super ick cure and it went away, but then a couple days later it came back. I didn't want to use the medicine again because I didn't want to replace the filter again so I tried the salt treatment by raising the temp and adding salt. When I did this though my fish were all getting stressed out and I had to lower the temp back down so they would die they also were very discolored. What I think might be happening is your fish are stressed from the increase in temp and it could be making them feel worse and that's why the ick is getting worse but idk for sure. I would suggest using the medicine or taking the fish back if you can. Hope something works out for you.
Hi some strains of Ich can be quite resilient to medicines so you need to be vigilant. Firstly could you say how old the tank is,how was it cycled and how many fish have you got in there? Plus any water tests you have done would help.
I always use waterlifes protozin,I usually do a thirty percent water change with a general gravel syphon then treat as directed. Last time it did take two treatments to cure! Also obviously remember to remove any carbon treatment. Good luck.
I believe you are seeing the worst right now and the tank will recover. Ich treatment takes time to run through the cycle and even after it looks like it's done keep temps up for another week or so. I usually keep my temps about 85-86 and it's horrible to watch anybody including pets drive through an illness. I feel your pain.

Also, Corys prefer to be in groups of five to six or more. This helps them feel safe and social. When you get through this you may want to consider getting a few more Corys.
Tank is about 3 weeks old, there are a total of 4 fish, 3 guppies and 1 corey, it was not cycled because I didnt know what that was, then when the antifungi/antibiotic treatment for the fin rot was going through, it killed all bacteria in the tank, so its starting the cycle from scratch. PH is 7.8, NH3 is .5ish, No2/No3 are 0
Also, @cfosgate, i have a smaller tank, 2.5 gallons with 2 guppies and another corey, could I add another to that tank or is it fine at 1? Not that Im at all worried about getting more ATM
Corys definitely prefer having more of their own kind. They get lonely. Even two together would be better than a single.
ok cool. And thanks for the kind words, it really sucks seeing them get sick and feeling helpless :ermm:
Natty, any changes?

Yes, it took the life of my favorite guppy over night. It unfortunately was too much around his face and gills, and the same is happening with another one. It dosent seem to being going away, but ill keep up with the water changes and gravel vacuums. If its not gone in a few days, Im getting some meds so I dont loose anymore.

RIP Ragnar the guppy :(
On another forum website, someone is experiencing the same type of aggressive ich, and its not responding to heat or salt at all either. This lady is using some reptile medication and according to her, its giving good results, if anyone is interested, when I find out if its safe and what it is, ill share it on this forum.

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