Overdose of cute

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 14, 2011
Slidell, La
My baby bristlenose plecos arrived maybe 20 minutes ago! They are currently drip acclimating, and omg are they adorable. So tiny! I got a regular finned albino, a long finned albino, two long finned brown, and two regular finned browns. All are adorable. I'll get pictures when they have gotten into the tank.
I think I read your post about buying these. Or it could of been someone else! Lol.
I've mentioned them a couple times. I spent the morning freaking out over them, and I think I just scared my roomate a little with my squeeing. I got the package and then freaked out for a minute over how to acclimate them. Ended up doing a drip. Now my roomate is going to take over making sure the bucket doesn't somehow overflow so I can go get groceries. I have a nice slow drip going so it's pretty much impossible to overflow it but I'm just cautious like that.

Edit : two hours later, I am back. Home and the water level has barely risen. No need to worry at all, haha. They will be going in the main tank soon.
Edit: they are happily swimming about in the tank. It looks like they are all healthy, although the long fin albino is a little skinny. Pics will come soon!
I need to get those. I have an albino cory and an albino pleco would add another cool feature.
I wasn't expecting to care too much for the albinos, but they really are adorable. Especially the long fin. It's such a delicate looking little thing! Like a little butterfly. I can't wait to watch them grow.
Got my marbled crays just now. They survived being in my mailbox for who knows how long. They are tiny and cute. I'll get pics when I get back from replacing their light. Of course the light on that tank blew this morning.
The angels came today. Very cute and very tiny. The largest is dime sized.
They are pinoys, both parents were nice dark wild type pinoys, so hopefully they will color up well. I got them from Westernfish on aquabid.
Ahh very lovely looking fish, Im thinking of getting an albino bristlenose pleco I just fell in love with one I saw the other day. Out of interest where did you get them from?
Keep the pictures coming!
I got them from the seller beviking on aquabid. Very nice guy, and the fish are doing great, I highly highly recommend him.

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