Overstocked or not?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 5, 2014
Hi yet another question. I have a 110l tank it's a juwel 800 rekord. I have 3 angels, 2 pearl gouramis, 8 corydoras, 1 orange barb and 6 rummy nose tetras. I have the filter and heater that came with it as long as a massive bubble wall at the back of the tank. I would like to know if it's overstocked, under stocked or just right?
Thanks for all responses.
Hi, check out this website aqadvisor.com. Is will tell you what you need to know. I've used it and found it really helpful. Simply put in all your details about tank size and capacity along with what fish are in there and what filter you are using and it tells you if your tank is overstocked. Hope this helps ?
Sounds very overstocked to me. That's only 29 gallons.
Those pearl gouramis and angels are going to get huge, and you may have some aggression issues with the angels.
Also, barbs are schooling fish. Often when schooling fish are kept alone they can become nippy towards other tank mates with long flowy fins (gouramis and angels).
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