painted discus ?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 29, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
the name insists that this fish is not naturally colored (it looks like a polka dot gourami) -- am I correct in my assumption that this fish is not a natural fish?
I can't seem to find any information on it..

sadly painted fish seem to run rampant in all of the fish stores in my area (san bernardino, california) from chain stores to all of the small stores here

its just sad that I can't find a nice fish store here :(

YUCK!! Painted definitely implies artifical coloring, which is a shame, since discuss are gorgeous by themselves!!
thats what I was thinking.. I was like I've never seen something like this.. the sa dthing is people keep buying these things in my area :(
The guys at the stores here try to persuade people not to buy them, they have a very short lifespan. Sadly, it's management that orders them, even tho 99% of the stock doesn't sell.
that is so sad painted fish are pigmented in a practice where they either inject dyes or they cut slits in the fish and cram the dyes in there, there is even dyes that make the fish glow in the dark, most of the fish die from this process however the ones that do manage to live usually live close to there normal lifespan but like I was saying to many die from it, I am suppressed you didn't find anything on painted fish there was a discussion about a month ago that had very good links if you want to try to find that , but I will try to find a couple of links and post them in here cause it really shouldn't be done
heres one

and last but not least the one that I found to be the best done site on the subject, make sure to check out the about dyeing part

P.S. please do your best to end this in your area though the fish are amazeingly beautiful I will never buy one because of how many fish die just to have that one, kinda funny when you consider it cause I have an oscar that sure aint a vegan[/url]
hrm well I know about painted fish.. but I've just never seen a painted discus... ive seen the parrots, tetras and the glass fish but never the discus... it seemed sort of sad because they all seemed to have a swim bladder malfunction or something :(
It seems highly unlikely....discus are pretty sensitive, and I cannot imagine them having a survival rate after dyeing any higher than 5%, if even that. What is more, a nicely-coloured discus can be worth $300 easily, and even a plain, common discus is worth a good $25+....I can't imagine anyone artificially colouring them.
actualy there breeding chilids for dyeing, as for the discus my best guess would be they might be a sensitive fish but the people that dye the fish have discovered that chiclids take to the dye better so theres less loss
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