Paludarium filtration

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 13, 2018
Ontario Canada
I was thinking about starting a paludarium, not right away but within the next 5 years or so. The one thing I don't understand is the filtration for the water part. What kind of filters are used? How are they set up?
Probably a dumb question but thanks in advance.
I should probably mention that I'm only familiar with HOB filters on aquariums.
I personally am using 2 of these small pumps. The second one I attached plastic hosing so I could route the water where I wanted. These are only rated for 30gph so more there for water movement then it is to filter.
Ok, if I have nano fish do I need filtration or will water movement and water changes be enough?
Ok, if I have nano fish do I need filtration or will water movement and water changes be enough?

it can be done without filtration by having enough plants to soak up nutrients and enough surface area for beneficial bacteria to build up. i was just checking out a video of a guys tank that doesnt have ferts, filter, water movement or co2.

as long as you test your water and figure out your water change routine then you should be fine. the smaller the water area is the more important it is to stay up on testing and water changes.

other factors come into play also with having a filter or just pump. in a paludarium you will have submersed and emersed growth and will possibly want water running to some of the emersed growth like i do with my moss. in the end i would say go with a filter and forgo the learning curve and possible problems of a "walstad" like tank.
Thanks, aquarium plants are no problem. I have 2 tanks with plenty of plants with no co2 or ferts that grow like crazy.
Any advice for sand? I've only used gravel.
I've been using black diamond sand blasting material from tractor supply for the last few years and its been great for a black sand. Some warnings are I recently found out it can possibly have an oily substance on it(I have never personally experienced it) and that it can possibly be bad for invertebrates.
For white sand go pool filter sand. Both of these are cheap and come in 50lbs bags. Rinse both well.
Thanks, do I need to have gravel or rocks to "cap" off the sand? I'd like a natural look so I'd probably go for the white sand.
just sand is fine unless your aquascape is using gravel as an accent stone or added natural element.
Thanks for all the help. When I decide to start I'll post my progress on the site.
I've been using black diamond sand blasting material from tractor supply for the last few years and its been great for a black sand. Some warnings are I recently found out it can possibly have an oily substance on it(I have never personally experienced it) and that it can possibly be bad for invertebrates.
For white sand go pool filter sand. Both of these are cheap and come in 50lbs bags. Rinse both well.

Ill double down on black diamond. I thoroughly rinse it first but have never seen anything remotely oily coming off or in my tanks. My fish always seem fine and its great for plants.

My buddy hopped on board and its all he uses as well.
Where would I buy the black diamond sand? I know goatnad said a tractor supply place but is there anywhere else to get it?
Probably depends on where you live. Rural King and Midland Hardware sells it.

If you have a building supply company in your area they can usually order blasting sand. Just make sure it's coal slag. Like here in my area I have a Franklin Building Supply and they can order blasting media. Not as cheap as tractor supply, rural King, or Midland but still reasonable at $20 for a 50 lb bag. Again, this depends on your area.
I'm in Canada so probably none of those places. But if those are pretty much hardware type of stores then I can check around.
You have coal mining there so you should be able to find this stuff.

Yes they are hardware type places.
Checked online and none of the stores carry it. They do however have pool filter sand. I'll just use that.
You probably have to see if the store can order it in for you. That's what I had to do because all my store sold on shelf was copper slag blasting media. They were able to order coal slag from thier supplier.
Will do. I was thinking about making it a cold water paludarium. What size tank should I get if I want something like white cloud minnows or something of a similar size? What are some other good cold water fish that stay small?
As big as possible or as much as you can afford. Lol. I'd say at least a 20g long.

Celestial Pearl Danio
Paradise Fish
Zebra Danios
Rosy Barb
Peppered Corydoras*
Corydoras Panda
Corydoras Barbatos
Bronze Corydoras*
Ok thanks, I was thinking of going with a 40-45 gallon tank and couldn't decide if I needed it to be long or if I could get a standard. I'll get the long.
I had no idea rosey barbs could be cold water, I might get those instead.
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