Paul's 38 gallon reef tank

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So i found out what he is doing by my acan. I have a blue encrusting sponge there that he is still eating this morning. Its my favorite sponge, but its ok. I bet its a tasty one! As long as he dont hurt my favorite acan that hes beside.
Can you say 'going expert'! Lol. Ive been blessed with a free beautiful leopard wrasse from the same guy that gave me the red linckia. Probably the prettiest fish ive ever owned. He has been acclimated and released into my DT last night. He ate up some frozen prawn roe last night so this is great. Just gotta make sure my chysus wrasse dont try to bully him to much or he may have to go. Doing ok so far. Heres some (crappy) pics of this (beautiful) fish. Very hard to focus on the little dude!

In DT-
Leopard is still doing ok! Still trying to get my chrysus wrasse out. Came close today but no cigar. Red linkia doing great. Heres some shots i took during feeding.
Swapped places with my Duncan and Green Acan and moved a couple rocks. Gotta give more room for my Duncan!

Still haven't seen my leopard wrasse in about a week. dont know if hes hiding out or if he is a gonner. Ill be real happy if I see him again though. I did move a little rock around so I could put my flame scallop in a shady, but visible location. Hes closed up now but hopefully I will have some pics of him soon! For the meantime heres some good pics I took of a Scarlet reef hermit & my red linkia star.
Got some pics of the flame scallop open already! Still not fully open yet and cant seem to get the right angle to catch the electric light it produce. Love this guy though. Also got some pics of the chysus wrasse which is doing great and hasnt touched one coral.
Rearranged rocks in sump because chaetomorpha is finally growing?! Its stayed the same size for a long time. Heres some pics of it.

New additions!

Ok well im through with photobucket and switched to imgur, so now I think I can post pics without a problem anymore. Don't know why they messed up photobucket ive used it for years. Anyways scooter blenny is doing great but I ended up trading him in for a green mandarin and swapped some xenia frags for a good size feather duster! This poor mandarin wasn't looking to hot but Im going to try my hardest to revive this beauty back to health. He was breathing heavily in the LFS tank and I felt so bad for him. He may not make it but I acclimated him all day and released him into the tank a while ago. Wish him luck guys! Heres some pics.

Well bad news. Looked in the tank last night and a huge bristleworm was attached to the mandarin. I was pretty certain it would die though. I tried to pull out that monster bristleworm but broke a piece of him off instead. The mandarin was definitely dead this morning. Poor guy, I tried. The feather duster however is doing great, stays out most of the time.
Nice colors

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In other news I went to pet is grand opening and picked up a tiny orchid dottyback for $20! He's still acclimating now, here's a cell pic for now.

So the new orchid dottyback appears to be doing great! Still skittish lurking in his caves. Im really surprised that my chysus wrasse (twice the size he is) hasn't tried to bully him any, at least that Ive noticed. Im sure it will be the other way around once the dottyback gets comfy. I do plan to rehome the wrasse if I can ever catch him one day. Also noticed today that my electric flame scallop has started to come out of his little hidden cave so I can actually see him now!!! Heres some pics I took today.


Electric Flame Scallop (finally visible!)-

Significant Zoanthid Growth!-
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