PC Lighting Question.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 28, 2004
Springfield, Illinois USA
I have a 30 gal. tank set up wih 15lbs. LR and 35lbs. LS. I want to eventually keep some cnidarians like some bubble tip anenomes and various corals. I want to upgrade to PC lighting but have no clue where to start. Do I need 20" PC fixture or will a smaller one work just as good?

i would try to get at least 3 55 watt bulbs if you want to keep an anemone. I think that would be enough, not sure tho. Might want to just get a metal halide.
Coralife makes a nice 20" 96 watt PC hood. THe bulb has 4-24 watt tubes on it. @ daylight and 2 actinic. It is a nice fixture.
5 watts per gallon is a very general guideline that can be misleading. I have 5.5 watts per gallon of pc light in my 20 gallon and I am upgrading to MH lights. If you've got the cash look into MH lights with PC actinics. You could keep just about anything with a 175 watt setup.
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