Pea gravel

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 20, 2012
Is this safe to use in an aquarium as substrate?
It is, but if it is as large as a pea 9around 1/4"), it really is too big. Food and stuff will sink into it too easily making it more difficult to clean. If you want a gravel substrate, it should be in the 1/16" to 1/8" range.

Stuff looks perfect. The pic might help. Definitely the right size.
FYI - I actually called US Silica. This product is 99.9% pure quartz silica and is free of any inert materials, heavy metals, etc.
Bill makes a good point. Rocks, gravel, etc can usually be cleaned prior to adding to a tank, but food and fish waste fall down between and decompose. If you decide to do it, get yourself a good gravel vac (or better yet, a python, etc) and plan to dig into the substrate aggressively every water change.
Isn't gravel the "standard" substrate for most freshwater aquariums? It is what I have personally always used. I am open to suggestions if you have another alternative.
JoeZ said:
Isn't gravel the "standard" substrate for most freshwater aquariums? It is what I have personally always used. I am open to suggestions if you have another alternative.

Sand. Play sand is the cheapest but is on the lighter side. I use pool filter sand since its a little heavier and I like here lighthouse brand because it has a nice natural look. I use sand over gravel because detritus can't penetrate the surface and is easily vacuumed up.
I've used play sand for saltwater aquariums, and works quite well if you clean it properly. It is extremely fine, so it's important to rinse it to the point of almost removing the lighter stuff. I've had great success with sand beds using this.

As far as freshwater though (CA and SA cichlids), I've always used gravel....and looks quite natural as well. I don't believe I've ever seen a cichlid tank (outside of africans) where sand was used vs. gravel. Obviously with sand detritus will remain on the surface or get swept away by the filter. With gravel, every little piece will find its way to the bottom of the gravel bed. I'm with you there.
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