Pea Puffer Questions: Species Tank or Not?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 24, 2013
Hi I'm starting a 20 g aquarium, i switched my 10 gallon for a 20 long but kept the 10 for my brother.

I was wondering if Pea puffers could live in a 10 gallon like 2-4 pea Puffers

Also i was wondering is any tough fish could live with puffers.
Oh yeah um 10 the tank is moderately planted with lots of hiding places.

the 20 has 3 female betas in it, a healthy sorority
4 or 5. Make sure you have decorations and plants to act as a site break
Some people have success with otos and DPs but that's generally about it outside of exceptions to the rule.
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