Peacock Cichlid Breeding Question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 21, 2011
Omaha, Nebraska
Id like to breed Blue or Red Peacock Cichlids in my 40 gallon Breeder. My question is will it be ok for 4 of them to be in the tank? its got plenty of hiding places. 2ndly are they good breeders?
Peacocks breed like rabbits.:lol: A 40 breeder is big enough for a small colony. One male and 3-5 females. You need the extra females to keep the male from harassing just one female to death. Once the females are carrying eggs you need to move the male out of the tank. The females will be fine together until they start spitting the fry. When a female spits her fry,move her out of the brood tank. The fry should be ok together for a while as long as they are roughly the same size. Please make sure the females you have are the same breed as the males, don't want to produce crosses. The fry can eat crushed flake food, and baby brine shrimp as soon as the are out of moms mouth. The fry do best with several small WC's per week.
It's much easier to move the adults. The fry are hard to catch because of their size, and easy to injure with a net. I always had better luck moving the parents.
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