Perma Algae and acrylic tanks

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 2, 2003
Hello. I have a small 6 gal. acrylic aquarium. I have two Ottos who are busy cleaning everything in the tank but the acrylic. I figured they just love algae on live plants and rocks better. I bought two Mystery Snails who do the same. I thought for sure they would go for the now abundant algae growth on the acrylic. I gave up and tried to wipe off the algae with both a paper towel and a cotton wash rag. Neither will remove the algae. It is on like glue.

What is the best way to clean the acrylic tank?

Hi xplanes,

You can buy scrubber pads from your LFS, just make sure that it is for acrylic not glass. (the ones for glass are more abrasive and will scratch acrylic)

You can also use a plastic card (like a credit card).

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