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you've got to be kidding me.. that's like.. even worse than vegetarianism.. what is next? People for the Ethical Treatement of Carrots? I mean come ON! Fish eat algae, we eat fruits and veggies. ANd if we didn't... how would we survive??? OMG, that doesn't even make sense...
I never cease to be amazed. How did you even find that czcz?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm inclined to email the guy and ask if he's for real. but then i'd be on his spam list...not worth it.
This looks to me like a joke, I mean, this guy can't be serious. :lol:

But come on, there's nothing wrong with vegetarianism. If you don't want to kill animals to eat them, and/or completely disagree with factory farming and agribusiness (not only from an animal welfare standpoint but also pertaining to workers' rights), why is that a problem?
Brian, I got it from a fellow aquarist. Just a bookmark I reappreciated during a break, and thought to share.

severum mama, I've no right to disagree with vegatarianism or any act with moral purpose. I think there is something flawed in a save cute animals thought process, and this site just cleverly points that out. And I admire well done satire ;)
I too love good satire. I read bbspot every week, and love the mailbag where people, essentially, aren't smart enough to figure out its all a big satire site, and ask him questions like where to get the products, or how to contact the Nigerian billionaire.
IKWYM, but for me it's not about cute animals. I don't swat bugs, I don't use lethal mousetraps, I don't even willingly buy any animal tested products (I guess you can't avoid it with human/dog meds and stuff). Meat is always obtained through violent means, therefore I personally don't want to eat it. But I'm not going to rip on anyone who eats a hamburger for dinner tonight. Sorry, I'm not at all trying to start a debate, but I must admit I took a little offense to a slam on vegetarianism. That's all I wanted to say, and I like all you guys so I don't want to start any arguments. :D

And yeah, that site was pretty clever. :lol:
malkore said:
I'm inclined to email the guy and ask if he's for real. but then i'd be on his spam list...not worth it.

don't you have more than one email? I have one from Yahoo.. MSN.. Earthlink... I use the MSN one for all my junk, and my Yahoo one for important stuff (like AA) and.. well the earthlink one is from the DSL .
and while we're at it.. save the carrots! and the squash, and the Lettuce, and the bean sprouts, and and.... lets save the world and all starve to death! Let the fish starve and the algae bloom!

come on.. LMAO
Save the Strep!!!!

Peaople for the rights of MRSA, Methicillin Resistent Stapphilococus Aurius!!!! Don't kill that staph infection, let it eat away!!! Don't cure that strep throat, let the streptococcus pyogenis ravage your throat! It deserves life to, even if you have to suffer for it!!!

im sorry, is that overkill?

Just got off a 12 hour shift in the ER and we had a case of strep AND MRSA.. so pardon me if im a bit sarcastic.
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