Aquarium Advice Freak
Hi Fish Folks of Great Wisdom,
Here's the rub...
Tank 1 (see sig line). Established for over 4 months no fluctuations in water parameters noted until today. PWC 4-5 days ago (usually do weekly), just removed three Glolight Tetras and added one Oto yesterday. This afternoon looking in at the Otos ramming all over the tank I noticed that my MM Platy has a large white spot near the base of his tail nearest the upper MM ear. See attached photo.
I've seen this before when I was cycling the tank and it turned into fin rot. I immediately took water readings...Ammonia 0, NitrItes 0, NitrAtes 5, pH 7.5. The pH is the highest it has ever been for my tanks. Tank 2 is at 6.8. Tap water is 6.5
Is the high pH a reason for concern? And why would it have gone up so much?
Here's the rub...
Tank 1 (see sig line). Established for over 4 months no fluctuations in water parameters noted until today. PWC 4-5 days ago (usually do weekly), just removed three Glolight Tetras and added one Oto yesterday. This afternoon looking in at the Otos ramming all over the tank I noticed that my MM Platy has a large white spot near the base of his tail nearest the upper MM ear. See attached photo.
I've seen this before when I was cycling the tank and it turned into fin rot. I immediately took water readings...Ammonia 0, NitrItes 0, NitrAtes 5, pH 7.5. The pH is the highest it has ever been for my tanks. Tank 2 is at 6.8. Tap water is 6.5
Is the high pH a reason for concern? And why would it have gone up so much?