PH level

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 1, 2008
Ive been gone for two days and im coming home tonight but got my notification on my apex that PH is as high as 8.41. I know im ok but what is the cause of this rise? Im not doing kalkwasser andi avg between 7.9 to 8.1. No corals at the moment just 3 banggai cardinals, one yellow watchman goby and his pistol shrimp.
Fresh air from opening the door after being gone possibly. Ph isn't something to even worry much about. If one is concerned, skimmer hose out the window will keep it level during the winter months.

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Yeah I just got home and it starting to go down. The banggais are OK. The goby and shrimp should be fine as well. Lots of diatom though which I know will go away lol.

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