PH Levels

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 10, 2012
Christchurch, NZ
Hi guys!! Totally new to this thing but i have two tanks both 70 litres.... problems is... one PH level is too high the other is too low, no matter what i do i cant get them to be the same and safe. HELP!!!
What are the pH levels of your tanks? Have you done anything to try and adjust them?
What you want is a stable pH. What the exact number is usually doesn't matter.
one is at 6.4ish the other is at 7.4ish the fish are happy. and it is stable its just a bit unnerving because i never had a problem before the earthquakes in christchurch NZ.
Ok, what do the tanks contain? Any wood? What kind of substrate? Also what is the pH of your tap water after letting it gas off for 24 hours?
If the pH doesn't change in the tanks that's a good thing. Stability is the key to healthy fish and a stable cycle. What concerns me is the huge difference in the two tanks. But that could be caused by a few things.
What's your water change schedule like? How much water is changed how often?
Sorry for all the questions just trying to get a full picture.
As for the pH changing chems you want to avoid them. They can cause huge unstable changes which can cause stress to your fish.
i have driftwood in the one that is too low with a eheim filter and stuff, i do a 10 litre water change every second weekend. the tank that is too high has a eheim filter and no wood. that tank has the same water change on the same day.
The wood could be bringing it down a little especially if it's still leeching tannin. To help bring it up and keep it more inline with your tap water and other tank I would suggest upping your water changes. 10L every 2 weeks isn't very much. Many aquarists change 50% weekly even if it's not needed. This helps replace much needed buffers/minerals needed to keep pH stable, plants healthy and the beneficial bacteria functioning.
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