Ph question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 2, 2011
I know there is like this AA rule about trying to change ph. My ph is 8/8.2 and I have African cichlids... Gold fish in another tank... Betta In ten gallon. I don't worry about these so much with the ph but I'm thinking of starting a community tank and I'm wondering if I should use some API buffering powder to make it more neutral. I'm wondering if rummynose and other tetras would do bettter? I'm not sure. There are currently no fish in the tank that's the only reason I'm considering this. Any tips? I heard that its pretty stable If u add it with each pwc. Anyone have any experience or advice with this?
bruinsbro1997 said:
The bet thing to lower pH naturally is driftwood, peat, or RO water. It does seem kinda high for rummies but I think it's fine.

I have rummies in a ten gallon for three weeks now buy their nose stays pale but it does look red when the
Light is off and quickly fades when I turn it on. I've been considering moving them to my 55 g later on. I don't want my water to be all ugly lol so I'd rather not use tannin or peat and I doubt I can afford RO :( so should I just leave the ph normal? As long as I don't have discus or GBR or anything like that it should be ok ??
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