Phosphates back to normal, how to get rid of algae?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2012
Sewell, NJ
I have (had?) a "brown algae" problem, presumably diatomes, while my phospates in one of my tank was sky high. Through a regimen of water changes, phosguard in both filters, and moderating the feeding, I have been able to get them down to about 1ppm. I have cleaned the algae off the glass in all the locations I can reach, but what about the places I can't get to, and the decor that the wife insists I keep in the tank? Will the algae die off and fall off on it's own?
If you have diatoms they will eventually run their course and go away on their own. Limiting your lighting to about 6 hours a day will help also. You could also add a couple nerite snails as they love diatoms.
Rivercats is right. Plus, i think changing water should help removing it. I also heard of algae scrappers if you know what i mean:)
If you have diatoms they will eventually run their course and go away on their own. Limiting your lighting to about 6 hours a day will help also. You could also add a couple nerite snails as they love diatoms.

Roger that. I dialed the timer for the lights back a little.

I am leery about snails. I have heard they can overrun a tank if they aren't monitored carefully...
Rivercats is right. Plus, i think changing water should help removing it. I also heard of algae scrappers if you know what i mean:)

I do weekly PWCs after I scrape the glass. They aren't out of control, just a minor nuisance that I would like to go away.
Roger that. I dialed the timer for the lights back a little.

I am leery about snails. I have heard they can overrun a tank if they aren't monitored carefully...

Nerite snails can't reproduce in freshwater so you only have the snails you put in the tank.
Didn't make a trip to the LFS yet, but I dialed down the lighting, made sure not to overfeed, and (crossing fingers as not to put a hex on it) after a week it looks like the algae is actually dying off on it's own. Thanks for all the advice on this from everyone.
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