Placement of new corals

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 3, 2003
Coral Springs FL
We got hook up and found a local saltwater wholesaler who has opened his doors to the public. I went last night with some friends and picked up a couple new corals.

1. closed brain coral-red with neon green inserts
2. 2 ricordia-1 pink/blue/purple and 1 blue/green/orange, both have neon green mouths

Question is, now that I'm 1 week into acclimating my new MH's(leaving me probably another week), where should I place these new corals?

And, does anyone know a good place to get SPS frags?
How deep is the tank...I'm assuming its under 2ft as most are. I would say put them towards the bottom to start w/ and move them up later if you like. Do you know what kind of lights they were under at the shop? If they were under the same or stronger wattage, you can put them where ever. I would say that the brain would be safest on the DSB. They have a tendency to push them selves off the rock work.

I have a 72bow, so 2ft it correct.

My current lighting consist of:

2 x 250watt 12K MH
2 x 65watt PC Act
2 x 65watt PC 10K, which I mayt switch out for actinics

I'm not sure how they had them at the wholesalers, I believe VHOs and the ricordia under MH.
I would put the brain on the sand bed or towards the bottom. i have had two that have died when placed at the top and mid level. i now have one in the sand bed and it is doing great. I have my riccordia at mid level.
OK. During lunch I put my brain at mid level and my ricordia on the dsb, per a reputable source. However, I'm going to keep my eyes on the brain to see how he does and if I have too, move him down.

Thanks for info.
The brain should be placed on the substrate, the rock will irritate the flesh, they are naturally sand dwellers in nature.Both will prefer lower flow and lower light levels, although both should adjust to intense lighting over time.
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