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Maybe try leaving the light off for a day or so too. That could help it get comfortable. It might just be a bit nervous with so much open water, probably isn't used to that. I'm just guessing though, I don't have much experience with bettas.
I give him 12+ hours a day of no light. I turn it off at 8pm and turn it on around 10am but I can try putting a towel over the tank at night and make it darker.
0.50ppm from the tap, at first yes betta only but the tank looked empty so thought shrimp and snails could fill it out more. I know I cant add a school of fish (would love some purple harlequin rasboras though) since 5.5 gallons isnt big and my tank is slightly overstock atm 103%

For some reason I’m just noticing this post. You should add a little more prime when you do water changes to detox the ammonia in your tap water. It wouldn’t hurt to add some now. Two drops may not be enough. Don’t worry about adding too much. It’s better to over dose than to not use enough. You could also add a silk plant to offer some cover and a resting spot. Petsmart has some nice ones. I’d avoid plastic plants.
Betta is now swimming around, I will add more prime when I do the 50% pwc. Yeah I am definitely planning on adding real plants when I find some wood to decorate the tank.
Did the 50% pwc added more prime (did a 25% of the cap) and I added some stability as well. Water is looking more clear now but its still slightly cloudly. Also what media should I put in my filter it just has some cartridge in it but has more space in it to add a sponge and what not.
If that’s all the filter came with then that’s probably how it is designed to work. You could add a little filter floss to help with polishing the water. Just remember to rinse the filter cartridge in old tank water every so often instead of replacing it.
One of the ghost shrimps died today, not sure if it was sick but I did notice one being aggressive so Im thinking that shrimp killed it.
Yeah he is actively swimming and exploring (thought I mentioned it a few posts ago). He came close to a ghost shrimp and the shrimp swam to him scaring him lol. Checked my parameters today ammonia is, . 25ppm nitrite is, . 25ppm and nitrate is 5ppm
Those ammonia and nitrite readings aren’t good. Also, both can spike at any time during a cycle. I hope you’ll do more water changes to keep those from causing permanent damage or worse.
Sorry missed that somehow. :facepalm: Glad to hear things are going better with him. Looks like the cycle is underway.
Those ammonia and nitrite readings aren’t good. Also, both can spike at any time during a cycle. I hope you’ll do more water changes to keep those from causing permanent damage or worse.

Yeah Im gonna do another pwc and fully vac the gravel. Also thinking about rehoming the ghost shrimp.
Ok in the middle of a pwc, took out a lot of food particles from the gravel. Tested the new water thats going into the tank and after adding prime and stability its reading the same ppm. Should I get something that is specific for ammonia?
Im a bit concerned about my betta, I see him laying at the bottom of the tank lately but he will get up and swim about as well eatting fine. Should I be worried?
Check again to make sure there isn’t too much flow. Also, the ammonia and nitrite reading should be zero. If you’re keeping a close eye on water parameters and they are good, he may just be resting. Mine always loved to have lots of cover, which is why I always kept them in planted tanks. They feel more secure. If he’s eating he’s probably fine.
Actually was thinking of replacing the filter with an aquaclear 20 and baffling it. Checking parameters in a few waiting for bottles to dry. My thoughts for the filter change is more media, more surface area, more beneficial bacteria to convert ammonia and nitrite to nitrate. This filter just has a small cartrige not much space for beneficial bacteria. Ammonia-.25ppm. Nitrite - 0 ppm and nitrate - 5 ppm
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