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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 16, 2014
So a couple of stems have fell off of the plant!!! Ik anubias should be tied to driftwood but I got mine a nice place in my sand!! To me the plant looks healthy but why are the stems falling off?ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396010624.761924.jpg
Ya! You can try and tie the stem into a crevice or use fishing line or a zip tie..
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396013308.633605.jpg is this better? I feel like anubias r supposed to open up as like an umbrella but mines always straight up
Personally, I tied my java fern onto a piece of petrified wood (its a rock basically) and it has done fantastic, theres four baby java ferns in just over a month, and the roots are now attched to the rock. I used a piece of cotton string, by the time it rots the roots are in place.
is this better? I feel like anubias r supposed to open up as like an umbrella but mines always straight up
looks good! Getting it higher up in the tank should help to as it seems it's reaching towards the light.. Do you dose any ferts?
No and what is a fert lol I've kept fish for years but first time keeping plants so unload all help here lol
Update on my anubias!!! ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396042130.063189.jpg the roots are starting to wrap around the driftwood but the leaves still aren't opening up but are pointing straight upImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396042177.368382.jpg
Anubias is one of the easiest plants to grow. It doesn't need much light, and needs very little care. I'd suggest next time you're at a LFS, get a bottle of Seachem Flourish. That's all you'll need if you stick with anubias and javas.

So now that you've moved it, give it time to adjust and grow. Don't move it again, just let it do it's thing. It probably lost leaves because they were rotting from being in the sand. You had it buried pretty deep, it doesn't like that.
Anubias is one of the easiest plants to grow. It doesn't need much light, and needs very little care. I'd suggest next time you're at a LFS, get a bottle of Seachem Flourish. That's all you'll need if you stick with anubias and javas.

So now that you've moved it, give it time to adjust and grow. Don't move it again, just let it do it's thing. It probably lost leaves because they were rotting from being in the sand. You had it buried pretty deep, it doesn't like that.

Yea that was my fault I was mislead from the petstore telling me that those should be buried also could I get dwarf hair grass? I love how it grows out to make a carpet
Dhg is going to be a challenge in your tank.. I'm not sure what you're running for a light?? It is a high light plant, in a tall tank such as yours it would require a bml or quad t5ho I'm guessing..
My tank isn't really that y'all and from the looks my light looks pretty sting actually. How would I find out the wattage?
That's a single 17w t8. No offense but that's low low light, anubais, java's, maybe a sword..
That's a single 17w t8. No offense but that's low low light, anubais, java's, maybe a sword..

Oh man I had no clue thanks a ton brook!!! I really want a nice variety of rock work and plant work!! I've finally got the rock work down, but need some good plants!! What plants do u think would fit my tank good! And give me all the plants u think would be good then tell me what lighting the need!! ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396046797.277167.jpg
Anyone have suggestions in what plants I should get and what light I would have to get with it
I don't want to go super expensive with lighting but leave ur thoughts
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