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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 12, 2014
Hey guys I just got a 20inch t5 Ho light set and I was wondering how long I should have it on, so I don't get algae? Now I have it on for 10 hours. T5 colormax and 6500k light bulbs. Thanks
You'll get varying answers here. I leave mine on for 10 hours, others do 6-8 or 6-10. I have 2 snails and a bristle nose pleco, so I'm OK with a little algae, it doesn't stay visible for long. Others like the look of some algae.

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I know very little about snails so take this as you will.

I rescued a tank and inherited one assassin snail with it. Not thinking much about it I tossed him in a hospital tank for about three weeks. During that time I setup the 29 gallon rehomed tank he came with in my office which has a window near it. After 3 weeks there was some alge growth and he was deemed safe so I tossed him back in his original home.

The growth of the alge has started to reverse with him living there. So to answer your question I would say that IF assasin snails have no other snail target, then yes, they will help with alge problems on a small scale.

Hope this helps.

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