Plant ID (and fertilizer help)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 6, 2010
Is the surface plant in this picture hornwort?

Also, this plant, which I believe to be a egeria densa is not seeing much growth in the past few weeks... should I apply fertilizer? And what kind?

These plants (along with java moss/ferns/amazon sword) are in a 20 gallon long with 2x 18w 6500k/10000k lighting and an inert sand substrate. I planted jungle tabs near the sword behind the egeria densa and now it looks better than before. Should I consider adding any (more) fertilizers to help my plants grow better?
With stem plants IMO liquid ferts are a lot better because they take in nutrients from the leaves.

Also IMO u need more WPG.
Yes I plan to upgrade to a 2x 24w hopefully soon.
What kinds of liquid fertilizers are best?
darkxrose said:
Yes I plan to upgrade to a 2x 24w hopefully soon.
What kinds of liquid fertilizers are best?

How many k's does the new light have?
As far as ferts I use API leaf zone.
Is the surface plant in this picture hornwort?
View image: IMG 0252

looks like it to me.

Also, this plant, which I believe to be a egeria densa is not seeing much growth in the past few weeks... should I apply fertilizer? And what kind?
View image: IMG 0250

anacharis is supposed to be a fast grower in even low-light conditions. are you positive that's what it is? i don't have any experience with the plant myself as they are illegal to buy/own in Vermont (i know, weird, right?) i have heard that they are sensitive to flourish excel though.

These plants (along with java moss/ferns/amazon sword) are in a 20 gallon long with 2x 18w 6500k/10000k lighting and an inert sand substrate. I planted jungle tabs near the sword behind the egeria densa and now it looks better than before. Should I consider adding any (more) fertilizers to help my plants grow better?

you could consider using a liquid fert like Flourish, but in low-light set ups it's not totally necessary. your plants look great from what i can see.
Yes I believe that the plant is anacharis because it was labeled like that at petco. But I do have suspicions because the anacharis I see online look much more thicker and lusher. The plant I own doesn't seem to have grown much (most of it seemed to have died when I bought it but it grew back slowly.)
darkxrose said:
Yes I believe that the plant is anacharis because it was labeled like that at petco. But I do have suspicions because the anacharis I see online look much more thicker and lusher. The plant I own doesn't seem to have grown much (most of it seemed to have died when I bought it but it grew back slowly.)

This may because of little lighting IMO.
the OP has PLENTY of light for an anacharis. 36w of T5 HO lighting over 20g is more than enough to grow low light plants.
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