plant identification help

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 30, 2011
Good day fellow aquarium enthusiasts! I'm having some trouble identifying a couple of my plants and would appreciate some help. I've identified some of the easier/more common ones but the others are throwing me for a loop since different species look so similair. Check out my profile, there are a couple pictures of my aquarium.

the ones i have yet to id are as follows:

the stuff that looks like grass... literally.
the two larger plants.. one looks like a crypt... it's dark green with brown accents on the leave. The other one is very large with large bright green leaves. (i haven't been able to propagate it yet.. any suggestions? rhizomes don't appear to easily seperate)

last are the tall ones in the background... they're similair to the hornwort with the stringy leaves.

I know... i'm far from an expert and my summaries/explanations might seem idiotic to some of you but we've gotta start somewhere.

if the identification requires closeup pictures just let me know and i'll add some... although i hope the ones on my profile will be sufficient.

Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks

A lot of us use mobile devices to browse the forums, so you might be better off uploading a picture here rather than in your profile.
Sorry, prolly shoulda put images in from the get go.

These pics show the ones in question pretty well.. more available if necessary.

I use my mobile too (;



Wondering about the bright green broad leaf, hornwort-like thing, grasss, and the one looks like a cabomba?
Looks like Myriophyllum tuberculatum on the left and blyxa japonica on the right. Both of these are marvelous plants that will do well under good lights.

Disclaimer:eek:n my phone, cant see details very well
First one looks right... As for the blyxa japonica, I don't think so. It looks VERY similar but mine is a bunch of plants with about 4-6 leaves growing very close together. These shoot out runners like crazy.

Might all be juvenile plants as the laerger ones grow thick at their base and have 8-12 leaves.
this is where i stand thus far...

cryptocoryne wertii
rotala rotundifolia
bacopa monnieri (moneywort)
egeria densa (anacharis)
ceratophyllum demersum (hornwort)
lemna minor (duckweed)
cesicularia dubyana (java moss)
myriophyllum tuberculatum (common name??)


two left unidentified..... the bright green one with big/broad leaves kinda similar to the crypt **in the first picture**(but not as easily reproduced...) and the "grass"... i can't remember what the LFS said it was called. Bought 3 or 4 small plants and added them to my aquarium... melted away for a while until i added root tabs. Then they exploded!

Thanks to everybody lending their experience/knowledge to this thread!
Is the pink plant grass around it the same plant? In that case, I change my vote to Echinodorus Tenellus 'pink'.
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