Plant type's

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 2, 2012
I have wanted to have plants in my tank for quite away, so awhile ago I threw these bulbs in there. I would like to know what they are called and people's opinion on them?


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RyanLikesFishAndBeer said:
Do you think the onion plant could possibly get any thicker?

Yeah it will, just give it time! Do you use sachem flourish? Or any other plant nutrients?
RyanLikesFishAndBeer said:
I picked up this stuff from petsmart called "aquarium plant food" and it does the trick.

Alright that is all these plants need. The one on the right is aponogeton.
Gboy66 said:
Lol its an onion plant, but not the actuall type

Oh good! Lol, i was wondering..haha, and thinking that'd be weird to grow an actual onion in a fishtank.
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