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What are your phosphates running? As for the Micro's... you can start by double dosing 1x week and seeing over a 2-3 week period how the plants are looking. If you have to you can then up to double dosing 2x a week. What kind of spots are you seeing? I'm not seeing a red leaf on the sword but many types of swords have red leaves when they first grow in.
The plant is hygrophilia corymbosa kompakt and there little brownish dots possibly pin-holes. Then the ammania gracillis is turning green and a few leaves are melting away. The phosphates have been steady at 0.5 the no3 fluctuates around 15 week to week but I have added the ammania and the a.reineckii so from what I understand they need more iron and phosphates correct. Here's a shot of the marbile radican queen sword plant with the red leaf I got it as a plantlet its grown a lot.


Here's what the ammania is looking like.

Sound like you might be starting to have a potassium deficiency. Watch it and if it continues you may have to add a little extra potassium dry weekly. As for phosphates you want to raise your level to 2ppms and keep nitrates around 10ppm if possible.

The ammania's growth looks good and color loss can be a combination of things. Often not high enough light is the main problem but not enough phosphate and micros and not enough CO2 or liquid carbon can be part of it.

That red leaf has something wrong with it. What type of root tabs are you using and how often? Is this the first one that's done that?
So mabey double the phos every day or every other day, once a week double the plantex and half the nitrate?

Thank you. And I'm using peabodys Ru-tabs about every 2 months ish mabey 3 months. And yes its the first and only one to have done it. I usually put one tab in between the sword and the crypt and one in between the lotus and hygrophilia. Im thinking I should I give them one each mabey every other month?
I like to give each plant their own root tab. Try giving each one a root tab about every 2 months and see how they do. I use a different type of root tab and with mine I do them about every 45 days.

What I would do is start double dosing the phosphates every other day for a couple weeks and closely watch your levels to see exactly how much your going to need weekly to maintain the level you want.

For nitrates if your level is at 10ppm I wouldn't dose anything extra. Low nitrates help bring out better color.

Then try double dosing the plantex 1x week and see how the plants are looking after a couple weeks. It might take a few weeks to get your dosing dialed in to achieve the best color but eventually you'll find it.
Thanks for the advice I double dosed the plantex today and did an extra 1/2ml of phosphates I will go add the rest now and cut my nitrate down to 1.5 ml. my tap nitrate is 20 and dosing the regular amount leaves me at about 15ppm at the end of the week. I'll start the new regimen you suggested tomorrow. I also have 2 daylight 26w CFL bulbs I'm thinking of adding to the tank just not sure how yet.
The lower nitrates really help and honestly I rarely dose any. Mine stay right about 10ppm without adding any nitrates.

If you add extra light I'd only add one at a time. Adding more light can quickly throw a tanks balance off and cause the start of algae. That's what happened with the 220 when I added the LED. When you add more light you might have to up your dose of Glut to balance it out. Just go slow and watch if you do.
Here's an update of the tank I took this for the guy I got my new friends from to see where there new home would be.

I got something new for the tank today or should I say a pair of somethings I've been trying to get for quite awhile now ! Wooo!

Here's a video of me releasing them after drip aclimating them.

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Congrads! Nice looking pair! What was the guy keeping his water parameters at since they are wild caught?
Thank you. He said "hard a$$well water with peat moss in the bottom of the tank". and he he said he "does it old school and doesn't test paramaters". So I drip acclimated them with about a gallon of tank water. The ones I got are F1 the parents are supposedly wild caught. So hopefully they color up nice.
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another update i planted some of the microsword i have going emersed question about that plant is it a root feeder or a water column feeder? and also the pair of apistos are finally settled in and i occasionallt catch him swimming around.





OH MAN! I love your plants. Good job showcasing the different plant textures and color so that they accent each other. I'm jealous of your artistic eye. OS.
Honestly I'm not sure about the micro swords but I always put root tabs by them and chain swords. Tank is looking good!
OH MAN! I love your plants. Good job showcasing the different plant textures and color so that they accent each other. I'm jealous of your artistic eye. OS.

Thank you! I still need to do some tweaking to it to get it how i want it.

Honestly I'm not sure about the micro swords but I always put root tabs by them and chain swords. Tank is looking good!

well ill stick one in there if anything the crypt and lotus will end up finding it. I couldn't have done it without you and this forum. Thank you very much!
I won a raok on tpt and got some riccia so I tied it to some stones I guess we will see what happens. What do yall think?


Added some light to the tank today I'm going to cut the t5ho down to 6 (currently at 8) hours and only run the additional lights for 3 hours for the first couple weeks. Doesn't look like overkill does it?

I think that is a good approach. I'm doing pretty much the same thing with the new lighting on the 220. Plus it allows you to see if or at what level the new light might cause algae.
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