Planted tank & Ick?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 23, 2006
Westerville, OH
I have a 75 gal heavily planted tank and believe 2 of the 3 methods to treat ick will not work for me. Salt and medications will not work with plants, snails & shrimp. Will the temperature raising method work with live plants or do I need to take them all out?

I caught the 4 infected clown loaches yesterday and placed them in a spare 20 which I am currently raising the temp in but today realized that the yoyo loaches also appear to have signs. With there coloration it was very hard to find white spots until they started doing the scratching. I also have 2 clown plecos who have some yellow spots? None of the upper level fish have any signs (blue and gold guarami, giant danios & Gold barbs) at this point. Also not affected are blue botias & SAE's?

I was almost rid of a bad batch of brush algae and now this. So should I remove all the plants which I am not sure I have a place for anywhere else or will they live through 88 degree water for 2 weeks. I have jungle val, round & narrow ludwigia, java fern, amazon & melon swords, rotala, cambomba, madagascar lace & maybe a couple other types.
I have treated for ich in my planted tanks with meds. I used Kordon's Ich Attack, which is "all natural" so its safe for scaleless fish and plants. I have also had success with Kent Marine XP-3. It says its for saltwater, but I've used it in freshwater as well as other people I know have and its fine. It is safe for scaleless fish and plants.
The plants will be fine for a few weeks at 86+ degrees. I would proceed with the heat treatment if I were you.

I am going to get it up to 88 and leave it there for 2 weeks.

I am assuming that I continue my plant dosing schedule throughout this process and do any necessary water changes?
Well, it has been almost a week since I raised the temp to 88 and while I have lost 2 clown loaches, the other 2 are looking better and my yoyos are looking normal and no longer rubbing themselves.

I am not hoisting the victory flag just yet but it appears that the temperature raising may actually work. My jungle val seems to not like the high temps and a bit of it is melting but I am confident that it will rebound.

Thanks for the advice. Now I just need to wait out next week, hope that nothing takes a nose dive and drop the temps back to my normal 79 by next Sunday.
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