Planted tank with just gravel.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 12, 2014
Hi, as of right now I have my plants in just plain aquarium gravel and they seem to be doing fine but id like to grow more of a variety of plants. In my tank I have growing mostly the tiger bulbs you can get at a package at Walmart. They seem to do very well in my tank and they have filled out nicely but I would like to grow a variety of plants that i have tried to grow before but don't ever "catch". As for nutrients I do a liquid fert and a liquid c02 and I also have a lighting spectrum for plants. I don't really want to disturb my fish and plants by ripping everything out. What would you guys do?
If I were you, I would keep it all in there and just add some more easy types of plants. If you have a piece of driftwood or rock, you could get anubias or java ferns and tie/rubber band them to it and the roots will gradually grow an attach. Both of those thrive in low light conditions. Other plants you may be able to grow are water wisteria or water sprite.
You could upgrade your tank to high tech if you want to grow a bunch of different types of plants like you see on google images if you search aquascaped aquariums. But that is a whole other ball game and will be a lot of time, money, and work.
Lots of options for your set up.

There are lots of stem plants that will grow well in your set up. Here's a link to a neat site with lots of plant profiles and it gives difficulty levels. I like going there periodically and browse the plants and the layouts. Good light, balanced ferts and some Glut and you can make a very beautiful aquascape. You don't HAVE to have pressurized CO2 for so many. OS.
Plantfinder - Indoaquascape
Live Aquarium Plants
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