Planted tanks

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 16, 2002
Cedar Key, FL
I don't know about how it goes at your house, but at mine when we take 35mm pics we never seem to get the film developed. About every 2 years we round up all the film we can find and send it out. That is what has happened with the pics of my wifes planted aquariums (thank god for digital cameras!!), she had a couple of nice biotopes going on for a few years, before she started breeding fish (and eventually lost interest due to the constant pressure for more fry). Her first was a madagascar blackwater biotope (I hope I get this right, she's not here to correct me), with polleni cichlids. She then did a couple of Amazon biotopes with green terrors and angels. If we ever dig up the film and get it processed, I'll post some pics in the Show Off section.
green terrors and angels

out of curiousity, how did they go together? I have never kept either, but wondered how the angels fared since they are relatively slow...I have heard green terrors can be quite aggressive but have no personal experience....sounds like an interesting combination. 8)
I guess it was unclear, I read it again and it did read as if they were in the same tank together....It was two seperate Amazon biotopes. The green terrors and the angels were not in the same tank together. From experience with both, the terrors would have made mince meat out of the angels in short order. :wink:

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